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Bird Skeleton Articulation - 2 Day Intensive

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This course is for people who would like to learn the delicate art of cleaning small bird skeletons. This class, held in partnership with INHA, offers students the rare opportunity to clean and articulate a skeleton from start to finish!

This course guides students through every step of the oxidation method of skeletal preparation, over 2 sessions. In this process, delicate skeletons are held intact by a fine layer of ligaments, providing many possibilities in creating osteological displays for artistic and educational use. Students will create and keep their pieces. It is suggested to prepare a few reference photos with ideas for poses.

By the conclusion of this course, students will have prepared their very own European Starling skeleton in the pose of their choice, have a clear understanding of the oxidation method of skeletal preparation, and a new appreciation for anatomy at a small scale. 

This class is suitable for both beginners as well as those with an artistic or scientific background looking to learn new skills. All levels of experience are welcome, with the understanding that practice and patience will make the ongoing study of preservation arts even more fulfilling.


Session 1:

Covers the skinning and defleshing process, where students will then proceed to deflesh their own raw specimens, under close supervision from the instructor. These specimens will then go into the first of a series of chemical baths in the skeletal cleaning process, and how to monitor each bath.

Session 2:

In this session, students will be working with specimens that have been prepared for tissue removal, and will position their skeletons to dry on a temporary base. Students will keep their skeletons, and go home with the knowledge to make and maintain their own skeletons in the future.

Tickets and more info here -

October 24

Wunderkammer NYC

November 1

Sparrow Skeleton Articulation - Denver