Sourcing and Ethics

Ethics in taxidermy are nothing new, but the laws, culture, and attitudes around them have changed over time. As ethics are subjective, and ever evolving, this space is dedicated to how and where I obtain the animals in my work. A lack of education and awareness has given taxidermy and taxidermists a bad reputation, but like any field, learning from collective experience over time informs our knowledge and sensitivity. Reputable taxidermists, young and old, scientific and artistic, take great care and pride in sourcing. What is written here is my own philosophy on sourcing, based on what I have learned over my years working in this field. 

Most of animals used in my work are naturally deceased. This means they have died of old age, sickness, or other ways where their deaths are not the result of direct human handiwork or intention. Naturally deceased specimens come from reputable keepers of such animals, like farms, zoos, and aviaries. In most cases, my purchase of these specimens goes towards providing veterinary care for the living animals at these organizations, or towards educational and conservation projects.  In some cases where it is legal, roadkill may also be viable.

Some animals used in my work are by-products from sustainable farming. This includes pet-food producers, who raise animals such as mice, rabbits, and small birds to be sold as whole frozen meat to be fed to carnivorous animals (if you are wondering what on earth eats whole rodents, think of pet snakes or non releasable birds of prey.) If I ever purchase an animal that is suitable for consumption, nothing will go to waste-my cats are huge fans of rabbit and quail! The animals I use are the ones that would otherwise be discarded if unsold. Some farms also experience the unfortunate case of stillborn animals, or animals that were not viable to survive despite extensive medical care. I also get animals from other taxidermists who do not want certain specimens (because they are retiring, closing their businesses, downsizing, or a number of other reasons). Others come from abatement work, usually done as part of conservation programs to remove invasive, non-beneficial species encroaching on the habitat of native species. These animals would be harvested and remains destroyed if not used otherwise.

Although I may not be a hunter, I have met many of them who love nature, and have driven effective conservation initiatives where responsible practices promote environmental stewardship, manage invasive species, and fundraise to keep wild land as untouched as possible. Contrary to popular belief, hunting for meat can be done sustainably-before this land was colonized, hunting was an incredibly respectful practice, as Indigenous folks are the original stewards of the land.

Modern hunting is much less wasteful than factory farming (it is the most local, free range, and organic that meat can be). The US has many groups advocating for environmental welfare, with science based laws that help control seasonality, limits on how many animals one can harvest, and following best practices for keeping the land clean and unpolluted. Responsible wildlife management with a sensitive approach can help many species thrive with the money raised by the purchase of hunting licenses, and the resulting economies created around them. It may seem odd that we need an economic incentive for maintaining biodiversity and stopping habitat loss, but it is one of the unfortunate realities of our modern world. (Many people ask if I eat meat myself, and the answer is not a lot. When I do, I have the privilege to source the meat I eat through small local farms.)

Some people are in awe at the number of animals that I am able to find-part of it is from years of building relationships with those who trust me enough to respect their deceased, part of it is from death being as much a part of life as living. Especially in a big city, we are very removed from the reality of death and the extent of animal products in everyday things we overlook-like cell phone processors. Animals die more often than we think, and though I work with death, it does not bring me joy. What I am reverent of is how delicate life is, and my ability to help an animal have a second life to share its beauty, and inspire us to live mindfully in order to conserve what we can. 

What I have written here is only to explain my process for those who are interested, and not to place judgement on anyone that may do or feel differently. Everyone does what they feel is right, and I hope that by sharing our perspectives, we can live in a way that is most harmonious with nature.

If after reading this, you have any questions for myself, or another artist, please approach us with grace and humanity. We are all people, who are growing, changing, and learning- our ethics are ever evolving.