Coral Snake Shadowbox

Coral snakes are members of the Elapidae family, so they’re like “cousins” to cobras, who I was taught not to fear, but to associate with creative life force. As snakes shed their skin, they help us reflect on our own cycles of rebirth and healing. Butterflies go through an incredible transformation as well, turning into a mysterious soup before emerging as diaphanous pollinators, commonly associated with souls from the past and future, ephemeral messengers free from the weight of material ills. In the spirit of embracing freedom and fearlessness, this piece was part of a fundraiser for Black Excellence Collective-an organizing hub for & by Black Trans/Queer youth, described in their bio as Deliberate & afraid of nothing. Young Black Trans and Queer people have been at the forefront of movements around justice, art, and culture, and are disproportionately impacted by the pandemic of not just Covid-19, but transphobia and racism. This piece consists of a replica coral snake (cast and sculpted from the real thing!), 2 green jay (graphium agamemnon) butterflies, and preserved roses and leaves. Though it is possible to mount reptiles traditionally, replicas can be advantageous for home decor due to their sturdiness.


Replica Flamingo Wall Art


Gouldian Finch Halo